
OSU Institutional Collaboration with African Institutions (PDF of poster)


 Farmers’ Strategies for Adapting to and Mitigating Climate Variability and Change through Agroforestry in Ethiopia and Kenya, May 2013.

  • Rural Livelihoods Consortium, Final Report, November 2006 - The goal of the Rural Livelihoods Consortium was to revitalize the Southern African research network while working to improve and diversify rural livelihoods in the Chinyanja Triangle regions of Malawi, Zambia, and Mozambique. The Consortium was sponsored by USAID in association with HED, (formerly ALO) with Oregon State University as the lead institution. The target populations for interventions were small farmers ready to move from subsistence to small-scale commercial agriculture, and vulnerable households, including female headed households and those affected by HIV/AIDS.