Journal Articles

66. Higgins, C.W., Wing c, M.G., Kelley, J., Sayde, C., Burnett, J. and H.A. Holmes. 2018. A high resolution measurement of the morning ABL transition using distributed temperature sensing and an unmanned aircraft system. Environmental Fluid Mechanics.

65. Pai, H., Malenda, H. F., Briggs, M. A., Singha, K., González-Pinzón, R., Gooseff, M. N., P. Adkins, J. Burnett, J. S. Selker, C. Sladek, C. Walter, S. Welsh, and M. G. Wing.  2017. Potential for small unmanned aircraft systems applications for identifying groundwater-surface water exchange in a meandering river reach. Geophysical Research Letters 44(11):868-877.

64. Burnett, J. and M.G. Wing.  2018. A low-cost near-infrared digital camera for fire detection and monitoring. International Journal of Remote Sensing 39(3).

63. Daugherty, B., J. Sessions, R. Rene Zamora-Cristales, and M.G. Wing. In press. Improving large trailer access for biomass recovery in steep terrain.  Forest Science.

62. Analysis of radar and ADS-B influences on aircraft detect and avoid (DAA) Systems. 2017. Semke, W., Allen, N., Tabassum, A., McCrink, M., Moallemi, M., Snyder, K., Arnold, E., Stott, D., and M.G. Wing. Aerospace 4(3):49.

61. Bedell, E., Leslie, M., Fankhauser, K., Burnett, J., Wing, M. G., and Thomas, E. A. 2017. Unmanned aerial vehicle-based structure from motion biomass inventory estimates. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11(2): 026026.

60. Wing, M.G., J. Burnett, J. Brungardt, D. Dobler, and V. Cordell.  2016. Search and rescue operations with an unmanned helicopter. International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 6: 65-75.

59. Akay, A.E., Wing, M., Zengin, M., Kose, O. 2016. Determination of fire access zones along road networks in fire sensitive forests. Journal of Forestry Research 28(3): 557-564.

58. Gülci, N., Akay, A.E., Erdaş, O., Wing, M., Sessions, J. 2016. Planning optimum logging operations through precision forestry approaches. European Journal of Forest Engineering 1(2):56-60.

57. Morzillo, A., M.G.Wing, and J. Long. 2016. Discordant data and interpretation of results from wildlife habitat models. Journal of Geospatial Applications in Natural Resources 1(1):2.

56. Gülci, N., A.E. Akay, O. Erdaş, H.H. Acar, and M.G. Wing. 2016. Controlled sliding of logs downhill by chute system integrated with portable winch and synthetic rope. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 66(1): 256-263. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.18327. 

55. Tyler, S., J. Selker, C. Higgins, and M.G. Wing. 2015. CTEMPs begins support of unmanned aerial systems for earth science investigators. EOS 96(19): 8-11.

54. Beck, S.J.C., M.J. Olsen, J. Sessions, and M.G. Wing. 2015. Automated extraction of forest road network geometry from aerial LiDAR. European Journal of Forest Engineering (1):21-33.

53. Simwanda, M., J. Sessions, K. Boston, and M.G. Wing. In press. Modeling biomass transport on single lane forest roads. Forest Science.

52. Wing, M.G., K. Brown, D.C. Godwin, P.D. Ries, and R. Emanuel. In press. Land cover transitions and forest spatial patterns within four developing Oregon communities. International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS.

51. Wing, M.G. and J. Long. In press. A 25-year history of spatial and temporal trends in wildfire activity in Oregon and Washington, U.S.A. Modern Applied Science.

50. Sarr, D.A., E. Dinger, S. Shafer, A. Duff, J. Alexander, N. Seavy, and M.G. Wing. In press. Comparing ecoregional classifications for natural areas management in the Klamath Region, U.S.A. Natural Areas Journal.

49. Edson, C. and M.G. Wing. In press. LiDAR elevation and DEM errors in forested settings. Modern Applied Science.

48. Wing, M.G., J. Burnett, S. Johnson, A. Akay, and J. Sessions. 2014. A low-cost unmanned aerial system for remote sensing of forested landscapes. International Journal of Remote Sensing 4(3): 113-120. doi: 10.14355/ijrsa.2014.0403.01.

47. Wing, M.G., J. Burnett, and J. Sessions. 2014. Remote sensing and unmanned aerial system technology for monitoring and quantifying forest fire impacts. International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 4(1): 18-35.

46. Craven, M. and M.G. Wing. 2014. Applying airborne LiDAR for forested road geomatics. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 29(2): 174-182.

45. Frank, J. and M.G. Wing. 2014. Balancing horizontal accuracy and data collection efficiency with mapping-grade GPS receivers. Forestry 87(3): 389-397.

44. Akay, A.E., M.G. Wing, and J. Sessions. 2014. Estimating sediment reduction cost for low-volume forest roads using a LiDAR-derived high-resolution DEM. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering 9(1): 52-57.

43. Wing, M.G., J. Burnett, J. Sessions, J. Brungardt, V. Cordell, D. Dobler, and D. Wilson. 2013. Eyes in the sky: Remote sensing technology development using small unmanned aircraft systems. Journal of Forestry 111(5): 341-347.

42. Frank, J. and M.G. Wing. 2013. Differential GPS effectiveness in measuring area and perimeter in forested settings. Measurement Science and Technology 24(10): 105801.

41. Wing, M.G., M. Craven, J. Sessions, & J. Wimer. 2013. LiDAR-derived DEM and raw height comparisons along profile corridor gradients within a forest. Journal of Geographic Information System 5(2): 109-116.

40. Edson, C. and M.G. Wing. 2012. Tree location measurement accuracy with a mapping-grade GPS receiver under forest canopy. Forest Science 58(6):567-576.

39. Akay, A.E., M.G. Wing, F. Sivrikaya, and D. Sakar. 2012. A GIS-based decision support system to determine the shortest and safest route to forest fires: A case study in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184:1391-1407.

38. Albers, H.J, A. W. Ando, M. Bu, and M.G. Wing. 2012. Road-network agglomeration, road density, and protected-area fragmentation. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 5(3): 137-150.

37. Akay, A.E., M.G. Wing, and J. Sessions. 2012. Estimating structural properties of riparian forests with GIS and airborne LiDAR data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 33(22):7010-7023.

36. Wing, M.G. and D. Godwin. 2011. SWAMP GIS: A spatial decision support system for predicting and treating stormwater runoff. Journal of Spatial Hydrology 11(2):21-32.

35. Edson, C. and M.G. Wing. 2011. Airborne LiDAR for individual tree stem location, height, and biomass measurements. Remote Sensing 3(11):2494-2528.

34. Wing, M.G. and J. Frank. 2011. Vertical measurement accuracy and reliability of mapping-grade GPS receivers. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 78(2):188-194.

33. Wing, M.G. 2011. Measurement differences resulting from analyzing natural resource spatial databases referenced to multiple map coordinate systems. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural Resource Sciences 3(2):53-63.

32. Wing, M.G, and J. Frank. 2011. An examination of five identical mapping-grade GPS receivers in two forest settings. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 26(3):119-125.

31. Simwanda, M., M.G. Wing, and J. Sessions. 2011. Evaluating Global Positioning System accuracy for forest biomass transportation tracking within varying forest canopy. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 26(4):165-173.

30. Wing, M.G. 2011. Consumer-grade GPS receiver measurement accuracy in varying forest conditions. Research Journal of Forestry 5(2):78-88.

29. Wing, M.G., A. Eklund, J. Sessions. 2010. Applying LiDAR technology for tree measurements in burned landscapes. International Journal of Wildland Fire 19:104-114.

28. Sessions, J., J. Wimer, F. Costales, and M.G. Wing. 2010. Engineering considerations in road assessment for biomass operations in steep terrain. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 25(3):144-153.

27. Wing, M.G. 2009. Consumer-grade GPS performance in an urban forest setting. Journal of Forestry 107(6):307-312.

26. Eklund, A., M.G. Wing, and J. Sessions. 2009. Evaluating economic and wildlife habitat considerations for snag retention policies in burned landscapes. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 24(2): 67-75.

25. Wing, M.G. 2008. Keeping pace with GPS technology in the forest. Journal of Forestry 106(6): 332-338.

24. Wing, M.G., A. Eklund, J. Sessions, and R. Karsky. 2008. Horizontal measurement performance of five mapping-grade GPS receiver configurations in several forested settings. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 23(3):166-171.

23. Wing, M.G. 2008. Consumer-grade GPS receiver performance. Journal of Forestry. 106(4): 185-190.

22. Wing, M.G. and J.F. Tynon. 2008. Revisiting the spatial analysis of crime in National Forests. Journal of Forestry 106(2):91-99.

21. Wing, M.G. and A. Eklund. 2008. Vertical measurement accuracy of mapping-grade GPS receivers in three forest settings. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 23(2):83-88.

20. Wing, M.G. and J. Sessions. 2007. Geospatial technology education. Journal of Forestry 105(4): 173-178.

19. Wing, M.G., Edwardsen, K., McNair, M., Miles, E., Wilson, K., & Sessions, J. 2007. Developing a sustainable water-delivery system in rural El Salvador. Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy 3(1):72-78.

18. Wing, M.G. and A. Eklund. 2007. Elevation measurement capabilities of consumer-grade global positioning system (GPS) receivers. Journal of Forestry 105(2):91-94.

17. Burney, O., M.G. Wing, and R. Rose. 2007. Microsite influences on variability in Douglas-fir seedling development. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 22(3):156-162.

16. Wing, M.G. and A. Eklund. 2007. Performance comparison of a low-cost mapping grade global positioning systems (GPS) receiver and consumer grade GPS receiver under dense forest canopy. Journal of Forestry 105(1):9-14.

15. Wing, M.G. and J.F. Tynon. 2006. Crime mapping and spatial analysis in National Forests. Journal of Forestry 104(6):293-298.

14. Wing, M.G. and R. Karsky. 2006. Standard and real-time accuracy and reliability of a mapping-grade GPS in a coniferous western Oregon forest. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 21(4):222-227.

13. Fredericks, B. and M.G. Wing. 2006. Traverse XL: An EXCEL-based program for entering, displaying, and analyzing spatial measurement data. Surveying and Land Information Science 66(1):65-72.

12. Coulter, E.D., J. Sessions, and M.G. Wing. 2006. Scheduling forest road maintenance using the analytic hierarchy process and heuristics. Silva Fennica 40(1):143-160.

11. Wing, M.G., A. Eklund, and L.D. Kellogg. 2005. Consumer grade global positioning system (GPS) accuracy and reliability. Journal of Forestry 103(4):169-173.

10. Murphy, G. and M.G. Wing. 2005. Road sediment yields from dispersed versus clustered forest harvesting activity. International Journal of Forest Engineering 16(2):65-72.

9. Kiser, J., D. Solmie, L. Kellogg, and M.G. Wing. 2005. Efficiencies of traditional and digital measurement technologies for forest operations. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 20(2):138-143.

8. Wing, M.G. and L. D. Kellogg. 2004. Locating and mobile mapping techniques for forestry applications. Geographic Information Sciences 10(2):175-182.

7. Wing, M.G., D. Solmie, and L. Kellogg. 2004. Comparing digital range finders for forestry applications. Journal of Forestry 102(4):16-20.

6. Wing, M.G. and P. Bettinger. 2003. GIS: An updated primer on a powerful management tool. Journal of Forestry 101(4):4-8.

5. Appt, J. S., A. E. Skaugset, M. R. Pyles, and M.G. Wing. 2003. Discriminating between landslide sites and potentially unstable terrain using topographic variables. Hydrological Science and Technology Journal 19(1-4):363-374.

4. Wing, M.G., and A. Skaugset. 2002. Relationships of channel characteristics, land ownership, and land use patterns to large woody debris in western Oregon streams. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59:796-807.

3. Wing, M.G. and R. Johnson. 2001. Quantifying forest visibility with spatial data. Environmental Management 27(3):411-420.

2. Wing, M., R. Keim and A. Skaugset. 1999. Applying geostatistics to quantify distributions of large woody debris in streams. Computers and Geosciences 25:801-807.

1. Wing, M. and B. Shelby. 1999. Using GIS to integrate information on forest recreation. Journal of Forestry 97(1):12-16.