
Past Courses Taught


FE/FOR 456 - International Forestry (3 credits), (Co-Instructor),
Co-taught this course for upper level undergraduate and graduate students from 2003-2023, total of 1050 students.

FOR 407/507 International Forestry Seminar (1 credit)
Taught this course for upper level undergraduate and graduate students from 2003 – 2008, total of 173 students.

FS/NR/RNG 477/577 Agroforestry (3 credits)
Taught this course for upper level undergraduate and graduate students from 2011 – 2020, total of 399 students.

FS 433/533; SNR 532 Planning Agroforestry Projects (2 credits)
Taught this course for upper level undergraduate and graduate students every other year both on campus and extended campus 2007 – 2020, total of 58 students.

SNR 511 Sustainable Natural Resources Management (1 credit)
Taught this course to graduate students online, ECampus 2010 – 2020, (208 students).

SNR 506 Independent Projects in Natural Resources Sustainability (2 credit)
Taught this course to graduate students online, ECampus 2010 – 2020, (105 students).

MNR 511 Introductions to Sustainable Natural Resources (3 credits)
Co-taught this course to graduate students online ECampus 2011 – 2020, (389 students).

MNR 560 Master of Natural Resources Case Study (1-9 credits)
Co-taught this course to graduate students online ECampus 2012 – 2020, (272 students).