Runoff Generation

Even though significant progress has been made in understanding flow generation mechanisms, there are still questions about the spatial distribution and variability of these processes in the landscape. Recent investigations have tackled these challenges from both empirical and modelling approaches. The use of water stable isotopes and other tracers in investigations of streamflow generation continues to expand across varied landscapes and land-uses. Modelling continues to refine the treatment of uncertainties and parameterization. Despite the combined effort, it is still immensely challenging to predict behavior in regions lacking data or outside the range of observed or modeled conditions. In light of these difficulties emphasis has recently been placed on studies that incorporate both the experimental and conceptual modelling viewpoints.

Transit time modelling: Understanding the physics driving a watershed's hydrologic response to precipitation is essential for predicting water supply and its connection to biogeochemical cycles. Predicting water age is complex, influenced by water input, movement, mixing, and storage factors. This is crucial for headwater streams, where water quality and quantity depend on smaller stream inputs, and patterns of water storage and release are vital, especially with projected snowpack declines. Tracers like water stable isotope ratios, used to estimate water travel time via transit time distributions, provide insights into flow paths, storage, and water sources. NSF Award #1943574.

Synoptic campaigns to unveil spatial and temporal variability in water movement and biogeochemical processing: Synoptic campaigns in streams can reveal network-scale variability in water sources and flow paths. We have used synoptic campaigns in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest and the Marys River Basin to understand baseflow water sources, and network-scale patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus. Currently, our work aims at understanding the controlling effect of geomorphic history on water movement in headwater streams and the seasonal control of relative contributions of tributaries draining contrasting terrain. NSF Award #1943574

High-resolution modelling of tracer-based flow partitioning at the catchment scale. During rainstorms, runoff includes event and pre-event water. Tracers in two-component end-member mixing analysis help investigate these contributions, but often have low temporal resolution, causing high uncertainties. We use TraSPAN, a new numerical tracer-based streamflow-partitioning model, to simulate tracer mass balance and water flux at the event scale.