
"From tree physiology to rocket science: my long, lucky career" pdf NASA Ames, 2/25/2019

oral presentation:


"Lessons learned in modeling forest responses to climate change" pdf  Washington Sate University, 10/17/2016

"Five things that matter in predicting disturbances and ecosystem responses." NASA Carbon Cycling and Ecosystem Joint Science Workshop. 4/22/2015 pdf

"Managing forests that won't stand still." Doug Little Lecture, Univ. Northern B.C. 10/30/2014. pdf  

"Climate change effects on local forests and wildfires. Benton Co. Annual Fall Forum 10/9/2014.pdf     

"Mapping of stress on native tree species across western U.S.A. & Canada." NASA Team Meeting, 5/7/2014. pdf

"Forests in Transition.'" Keynote Address at Northwest Science Meeting, Missoula, MT, 3/27/2014 (VIDEO). pdf

"Predicting stress on native tree species in western North America." NASA Team  Meeting, 4/25/2013. pdf

"Living with climate change in the Pacific Northwest." League of Women Voters, 4/9/2013 (general audience).pdf

"What's the world coming to? Predicting the responses of Northwest forests to climatic change." 5/15/2012.pdf

"Effects of Climate Change on our Forests & Options for the future." Linfield College, 2/29/2012 (general audience).pdf

"Climate Change -- Impacts and Effects on Vegetation." US Int. Assoc. Landscape Ecology Meeting, 4/5/2011.(VIDEO)

"Susceptibility of forests to insect attack." Mazama Club, 3/2/2009 (general audience).pdf

"Improving GPP, NPP, and NEP predictions from space". Global Vegetation Workshop, Missoula, MT, 6/10/2009.pdf

"Modeling and remote sensing link soil water storage effects to forest leaf area index". IUFRO Conference. 11/6/2008.pdf

To Thin or not to Thin?pdf