College of Forestry


International Intensive Silviculture (FOR542) - Fall (odd years)

World Map
World map (adapted from FAO, World Forests Assesments 2020) with locations of study cases. 


This two credit course will focus on the operational and ecological aspects of intensive silvicultural management of planted forests around the world. Guest speakers located in a different countries will describe the type of silvicultural management that is currently carried out in his/her country. From species and genetic selection, to harvest and rotation length, including site preparation and planting techniques will be covered each session. Emphasis will placed on comparing silvicultural practices applied on each country in relation to the management applied to plantations in western Oregon.


Clonal Eucalyptus plantation in Brazil
Brazil: 2-years old clonal Eucalyptus plantation


Person standing among 1-year-old Eucalyptus nitens in Chile
Chile: 1-year old Eucalyptus nitens plantation


Pinus radiata pantations in New Zealand
New Zealand - Pinus radiata plantations


Pinus taeda plantation in Florida, USA
SE United States (Florida): Pinus taeda plantation


Rows of Eucalyptus in South Africa
South Africa - Eucalyptus plantations


Snow-covered floor of a Norway spruce plantation in Sweden
Sweden - Norway Spruce plantation


Douglas fir plantation in Oregon, USA
PNW United States (Oregon): Douglas-fir plantation



Guest Lecturer: Dr. Ben Du Toit - Stellenbosch University -  Increased plantation forest productivity in South Africa: is it sustainable? (10/22/19)

Guest Lecturer: Dr. Urban Nilsson - Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Sweden -  Swedish Forests and Forestry (10/29/19)

Guest Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Martin - University of Florida -  Intensive Pine Plantation Management in the SE U.S. (11/05/19)

Guest Lecturer: Dr. Otavio Campoe - UFLA (11/12/19) - Brazilian Intensive Silviculture (11/12/19)

Guest Lecturer: Dr. Claudio Balocchi - Bioforest  - Sustainable Precision Clonal Silviculture with Radiata PIne in Arauco, Chile (11/19/19)

Guest Lecturer: Dr. Michael Premer - Rayonier - R&D and Pacific Silviculture for Rayonier Timberlands (11/26/19)

Guest Lecturer: Dr. Brian Richardson - SCION - NZ Forestry (12/03/19)