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ALL 225 Google scholar citations


Since 2017










Most popular article:Waring, R.H. 1982. Land of the giant conifers. Natural History 91:54-63.pdf

136. Landsberg, J.J., Waring, R.H., Williams, M. 2020. The assessment of NPP/GPP ratio. Tree Physiology 40, 695–699. pdf.

135. Ryan, M.G., Oren, R., Waring, R.H. 2018. Fruiting and sink competition. Tree Physiology 38:1261-1266. pdf

134. Mathys, A.S., Coops, N.C., Simard, S.W., Waring, R.H., Aitken, S.N. 2018. Diverging distribution of seedlings and mature trees reflects recent climate change in British Columbia. Ecological Modelling 384:145-153.pdf

133. Sousa, CH.R., Hilker, T., Waring, R., Moura, Y.M., Lyapustin, A. 2017. Progress in remote sensing of photosynthetic activity over the Amazon Basin. Remote Sensing 9, 48;doi:10.3390/rs9010048

132. Boyle, J.R., Tappeiner, J.C., Waring, R.H., Tattersall Smith, C. 2016. Sustainable Forestry: Ecology and Silviculture for Resilient Forests. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.09761-x.pdf

131. Mathys, A.S., Coops, N.C., Waring, R.H. 2016. An ecoregion assessment of projected tree species vulnerabilities in western North America. Global Change Biology,doi: 10.1111/gcb.13440.pdf.

130. Landsberg, J., Waring, R. 2017. Water relations in tree physiology: where to from here? Tree Physiol. 37:18-32.pdf

129. Waring, R.H., Landsberg, J., Linder, S. 2016. Tamm Review: Insights gained from light use and leaf growth efficiency indices. Forest Ecol. & Manage. 379:232-242.pdf

128. Waring, R.H., Coops, N.C. 2016. Predicting large wildfires across western North America by modeling seasonal variation in soil water balance. Climatic Change 135:325–339. pdf

127. Waring, R.H., Gao, L. 2016. Recent reduction in the frequency of frost accounts for most of the increased growth of a high elevation spruce forest in northwestern China. Trees-Structure and Function 30: 1225-1236. pdf

126. Coops, N.C., Waring, R.H.,Plowright, A.,Lee, J., Dilts, T.E. 2016. Using remotely-sensed land cover and distribution modeling to estimate tree species migration in the Pacific Northwest Region of North America. Remote Sensing :8, 65; doi:10.3390/rs8010065.pdf

125. Law, B.E., and Waring, R.H. 2015. Carbon implications of current and future effects of drought, fire, and management on the Pacific Northwest forests. Forest Ecology & Management 355: 4-14. pdf

124. Peterman, W.L., and Waring, R.H. 2014. Overshoot in leaf development of ponderosa pine in wet years leads to bark beetle outbreaks on fine-textured soils in drier years. Forest Ecosystems (on line) .pdf

123. Waring, R.H., Coops, N.C., Mathys, A., Hilker, T. and Latta, G. 2014. Process-based modeling to assess the effects of recent climatic variation on site productivity and forest function across western North America. Forests 5:518-534.pdf

122. Hilker, T., Natsagdor, E., Waring, R.H., Lyapustin, A., and Wang, Y. 2014. Satellite observed widespread decline in Mongolian grasslands largely due to overgrazing. Global Change Biology 20:418-428. pdf.

121. Mathys, A., Coops, N.C., and Waring, R.H. 2014. Soil water availability effects on the distribution of 20 tree species in western North America.Forest Ecology and Management 313: 144-152. pdf.

120. McDowell, N.G., R.A. Fisher, C. Xu, J.C. Domec, T. Holtta, D.S. Mackay, J.S. Sperry, A. Boutz, L. Dickman, N. Gehres, J.M. Limousin, A.Macalady, J. Martinez-Vilata, M. Mencuccini, J.A. Plaut, J. Ogee, R.E. Pangle, D.P. Rasse, M.G. Ryan, S. Sevanto, R.H. Waring, A. P.Williams, E.A. Yepez and W.T. Pockman. 2013. Evaluating theories of drought-induced vegetation mortality using a multi model-experiment framework. (Tansley review). New Phytologist 200:304-321.pdf

119. Smettem, K.R.J., R.H. Waring, N. Callow, M. Wilson, and Q. Mu. 2013. Satellite-derived estimates of forest leaf area index in southwest Western Australia are not tightly coupled to inter-annual variation in rainfall: implications for groundwater decline in a drying climate. Global Change Biology 19:2401-2412.pdf.

118. Coops, N.C., R.H. Waring, and T. Hilker. 2012. Prediction of soil properties using a process-based forest growth model to match satellite-derived estimates of leaf area index. Remote Sensing of Environment 126:160-173.pdf.

117. Peterman, W., R.H. Waring, T. Seager, and W.L. Pollock. 2013. Soil properties affect pinyon pine-juniper response to drought.Ecohydrology6:455-463.pdf.

116. Coops, N.C., M.A. Wulden, and R.H. Waring. 2012. Modeling lodgepole and jack pine vulnerability to mountain pine beetle expansion into the Canadian boreal forest. Forest Ecology and Management 274:161-171. pdf.

115. Waring, R.H., N.C. Coops and S.W. Running. 2011. Predicting satellite-derived patterns of large-scale disturbances in forests of the Pacific Northwest Region in response to recent climatic variation. Remote Sensing of Environment 115:3554-3566.pdf.

114. Waring, R.H. and J.J. Landsberg. 2011. Generalizing plant water relations to landscapes. Journal of Plant Ecology 4:101-113.pdf.

113. Coops, N.C. and R.H. Waring. 2011. Estimating the vulnerability of fifteen tree species under changing climate in Northwest North America.Ecological Modelling 222:2119-2129.pdf.

112. Coops, N.C., R.H. Waring, C. Beier, R. Roy-Jauvin and T. Wang. 2011. Modeling the occurrence of fifteen coniferous tree species throughout the Pacific Northwest of North America using a hybrid approach of a generic process-based growth model and decision tree analysis. Applied Vegetation Science 14:402-414.pdf.

111. Coops, N.C., R. Gaulton, and R.H. Waring. 2011. Mapping site indices for five Pacific Northwest conifers using a physiologically-based model.Applied Vegetation Science 14: 268-276.pdf.

110. Coops, N.C., and R.H. Waring. 2011.A process-based approach to estimate lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) distribution in the Pacific Northwest under climate change. Climatic Change 105:313-328.pdf.

109. Coops, N.C., R.A. Hember, and R.H. Waring. 2010. Assessing the impact of current and projected climates on Douglas-fir productivity in British Columbia, Canada. Can. J. For. Res. 40:511-524.pdf.

108. Waring, R.H., N.C. Coops, and J.J. Landsberg. 2010. Improving predictions of forest growth using the 3-PGS model with observations made by remote sensing. Forest Ecology & Management 259:1722-1729.pdf.

107. Coops, N.C., R.H. Waring, and T.A. Schroeder. 2009. Combining a generic process-based productivity model and a statistical classification method to predict presence and absence of tree species in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. Ecological Modelling220:1787-1796. pdf.

106. Coops, N.C., R.H. Waring, M.A. Wulder, and J.C. White. 2009. Prediction and assessment of bark beetle-induced mortality of lodgepole pine using estimates of stand vigor derived from remotely sensed data. Remote Sensing of Environment 113:1058-1066.pdf.

105. Coops, N.C., R.H.Waring, M.A.Wulder, A.M. Pidgeon, and V.C. Radeloff. 2009. Bird diversity: A predictable function of satellite-derived estimates of seasonal variation in canopy light absorbance across the United States. Journal of Biogeography 36:905-918.pdf.

104. Coops, N.C., C. J. Ferster, R.H. Waring, and J. Nightingale. 2009. Three model comparison of predicted gross primary production across and within forested ecoregions in the contiguous United States. Remote Sensing of Environment 113:680-690.pdf.

103. Calvo-Alvarado, J.C., R.H. Waring, and N.G. McDowell. 2008. Allometric relationships to predict foliar biomass and leaf area: sapwood area ratio in relation to tree height for five wet tropical rain forest species in Costa Rica. Tree Physiology 28:1601-1608.pdf.

102. Waring, R., Nordmeyer, A., Whitehead, D., Hunt, J., Newton, M., Thomas, C. and Irvine, J. 2008. Why is the productivity of Douglas-fir higher in New Zealand than in the Pacific Northwest, USA? Forest Ecology and Management 255:4040-4046.pdf.

101. Nightingale, J.M., W. Fan, N.C. Coops, and R.H. Waring. 2008. Predicting tree diversity across the U.S.A. as a function of modeled gross primary production. Ecological Applications 18:93-103. pdf.

100. Kolb, T.E., J.K. Agee, P.Z. Fule, N.G. McDowell, K. Pearson, A. Sala, and R.H. Waring. 2007. Perpetuating old ponderosa pine. Forest Ecology & Management 249:141-157.pdf.

99. Nightingale, J.M., N.C. Coops, R.H. Waring W.W. Hargrove. 2007. Comparison of MODIS gross primary production estimates for forests across the U.S.A. with those generated by a simple process model, 3-PG.Remote Sensing of Environment109:500-509.pdf.

98. Johnsen, K., C. Maier, F. Sanchez, P. Anderson, J. Butnor, R. Waring, and S. Linder. 2007. Physiological girdling of pine trees via phloem chilling: proof of concept. Plant, Cell & Environment 30: 128-134.pdf.

97. Waring, R.H., N.C. Coops, W. Fan, and J.M. Nightingale. 2006. MODIS enhanced vegetation index predicts tree species richness across forested ecoregions in the contiguous U.S.A. Remote Sensing of Environment 103:218-226.pdf.

96. Swenson, J., and R.H. Waring. 2006. Modeled photosynthesis predicts woody plant richness at three geographic scales across the northwestern U.S.A. Global Ecol. & Biogeography 15:470-485.pdf.

95. Sampson, D.A., R.H. Waring, C.A. Maier, C.M. Gough, M.J. Ducey, and K.N. Johnsen. 2006. Fertilization effects on forest carbon storage and exchange, and net primary production; a new hybrid process model for stand management. Forest Ecology and Management 211:91-109.pdf.

94. Perakis, S.S., D.A. Maguire, T.D. Bullen, K. Cromack, R.H. Waring, and J.R. Boyle. 2006.Coupled nitrogen cycling in coastal Oregon Douglas-fir forests. Ecosystems 9:63-74.pdf.

93.Waring, R.H., K.S. Milner, W.M. Jolly, L. Phillips, and D. McWethy. 2006. A basis for predicting site index and maximum growth potential across the Pacific and Inland Northwest U.S.A with a MODIS satellite-derived vegetation index. Forest Ecology & Management228:285-291.pdf.

92.Swenson, J.J., R.H. Waring, W. Fan and N. Coops. 2005. Predicting site index with a physiologically based growth model across Oregon, USA.Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:1697-1707.pdf.

91.Coops, N. C., R.H.Waring. and B.E. Law. 2005. Assessing the past and future distribution and productivity of ponderosa pine in the Pacific Northwest using a process model, 3-PG.Ecological Modelling183: 107-124. pdf.

90. Landsberg, J.J., R.H. Waring, and N.C. Coops. 2003. Performance of the forest productivity model 3-PG applied to a wide range of forest types.Forest Ecology & Management 172:199-214.pdf.

89. Waring, R.H., D.A. Sarr, N.C. Coops, and J.L.Ohmann. 2002. Interpreting woody plant richness from seasonal ratios of photosynthesis.Ecology 83:2964-2970.pdf.

88. Waring, R.H., and N. McDowell. 2002. Using a physiological process model with forestry yield tables to set limits on annual carbon balances. Tree Physiology 22:179-188.pdf.

87.Coops, N.C., R.H. Waring, and J.J. Landsberg. 2001. Estimation of potential forest productivity across the Oregon transect using satellite data and monthly weather records.International journal of Remote Sensing 22:3797-3812.pdf.

86. Coops, N.C., and R.H. Waring. 2001. Estimating maximum potential site productivity and site water stress of the eastern Siskiyous using 3-PGS. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31:143-154. pdf.

85. Coops, N.C., R.H. Waring, S.R. Brown, and S.W. Running. 2001. Comparisons of predictions of Net Primary Production and seasonal patterns in water use derived with two forest growth models in southwestern Oregon. Ecological Modelling 142:61-81.pdf.

84. Coops, N.C., and R.H. Waring. 2001. The use of multi-scale remote sensing imagery to derive regional estimates of forest growth capacity using 3-PGS. Remote Sensing the Environment 75:324-334. pdf.

83. Waring, R.H., J. Boyle, K. Cromack, Jr. D. Maguire, and A. Kanaskie. 2000. Researchers offer new insights into Swiss needle cast. Western Forester 45:10-11. pdf.

82. Coops, N.C., R.H. Waring, and J. Moncrieff. 2000. Estimating mean monthly incident solar radiation on horizontal and inclined slopes from mean monthly temperature extremes. Journal of Biometeorology 44:204-211.pdf.

81. Coops, N.C. and R.H. Waring. 2000. Assessing forest growth across southwestern Oregon under a range of current and future global change scenarios using a process model, 3-PG. Global Change Biology 7:15-29. pdf.

80. Waring, R.H. 2000. A process model analysis of environmental limitations on growth of Sitka spruce plantations in Great Britain. Forestry 73: 65-79. pdf.

79. Waring, R.H., and B.E. Law. 2001. The ponderosa pine ecosystem and environmental stress: past, present and future. Tree Physiology 21:273-274. pdf.

78. Law, B.E., R.H. Waring, P.M. Anthoni, and J.D. Aber. 2000. Measurements of gross and net productivity and water vapor exchange of a Pinus ponderosa ecosystem, and an evaluation of two generalized models. Global Change Biology 6:155-168. pdf.

77. Waring, R.H. 1998. Lessons learned while extending physiological principles from growth chambers to satellite studies. Tree Physiology 18: 491- 495. pdf.

76. Waring, R.H., J.J. Landsberg, and M. Williams. 1998. Net primary production of forests: a constant fraction of gross primary production? Tree Physiology 18: 129-134. pdf.

75. Coops, N.C., R.H. Waring, and J.J. Landsberg. 1998. Assessing forest productivity in Australia and New Zealand using a physiologically-based model driven with averaged monthly weather data and satellite derived estimates of canopy photosynthetic capacity. Forest Ecology and Management 104:113-127. pdf.

74. Landsberg, J.J. and R.H. Waring. 1997. A generalized model of forest productivity using simplified concepts of radiation-use efficiency, carbon balance and partitioning. Forest Ecology and Management 95: 209-228.pdf.

73. Panek, J.A., and R.H. Waring. 1997. Stable carbon isotopes as indicators of limitation to forest growth imposed by climate stress. Ecological Applications 7:854-863. pdf.

72. Walcroft, A.S., W.B. Silvester, J.C. Grace, S.D. Carson, and R.H. Waring. 1996. Effects of branch length on carbon isotope discrimination in Pinus radiata. Tree Physiology 16:281-286. pdf.

71. Waring, R.H., B.E. Law, M.L. Goulden, S.L. Bassow, R.W. McCreight, S.C. Wofsy, and F.A. Bazzaz. 1995. Scaling daytime gross ecosystem production at Harvard Forest with remote sensing: a comparison of estimates from a constrained quantum-use efficiency model and eddy correlation. Plant, Cell and Environment 18:1201-1213. pdf.

70. Panek, J.A., and R.H. Waring. 1995. Carbon-isotope variation in Douglas-fir foliage: improving d13C –climate relationship. Tree Physiology 15:657-663. pdf.

69. Ryan, M.G., S.T. Gower, R.M. Hubbard, R.H. Waring, H.L. Gholz, W.P. Cropper, and S.W. Running. 1995. Woody tissue maintenance respiration of four conifers in contrasting climates. Oecologia 101:133-140. pdf.

68. Waring, R.H., J.B. Way, R.Hunt, Jr, L. Morrisey, K.J. Ranson, J. Weishampel, R. Oren, and S.F. Franklin. 1995. Remote sensing with synthetic aperture radar in ecosystem studies. BioScience 45: 715-723. pdf.

67. Franklin, S.E., R.H. Waring, R.W. McCreight, W.B. Cohen, and M. Fiorella. 1995. Aerial and satellite sensor detection and classification of western spruce budworm defoliation in a subalpine forest. Canadian J. Remote Sensing 21:299-308.pdf.

66. Goward, S.N., K.F. Huemmrich, and R.H. Waring. 1994. Visible-near infrared spectral reflectance of landscape components in western Oregon. Remote Sensing of Env. 47:190-203.pdf

65. Goward, S.N., R.H. Waring, D.G. Dye, and J. Yang. 1994. Ecological remote sensing at OTTER: satellite macroscale observations. Ecol. Appl. 4:322-343. pdf.

64. Waring, R.H., and D.L. Peterson. 1994. Oregon Transect Ecosystem Research (OTTER) project. Ecol. Appl. 4:210. pdf.

63. Law, B.E., and R.H. Waring. 1994.Remote sensing of leaf area index and radiation intercepted by understory vegetation. Ecol. Appl. 4:272-279. pdf.

62. Law, B.E., and R.H. Waring. 1994. Combining remote sensing and climatic data to estimate net primary production across Oregon. Ecol. Appl. 4: 717-728.pdf.

61. Peterson, D.L., and R.H. Waring. 1994. Overview of the Oregon Transect Ecosystem Research Project. Ecol. Appl. 4:211-225.pdf.

60. Runyon, J., R.H. Waring, S.N. Goward, and J.W. Welles. 1994. Environmental limits on net primary production and light-use efficiency across the Oregon transect. Ecol. Appl. 4:226-237. pdf

59. Waring, R.H. and W.B. Silvester. 1994. Variation in d13C values within the tree crowns of Pinus radiata. Tree Physiology 14: 1203-1213. pdf.

58. Yoder, B.J., and R.H. Waring. 1994. The normalized difference vegetation index of small Douglas-fir canopies with varying chlorophyll concentrations. Remote Sensing of Environment49:81-89.pdf.

57. Yoder, B.J., M.G. Ryan, R.H. Waring, A.W. Schoettle, and M.R. Kaufmann. 1994. Evidence of reduced photosynthetic rates in old trees. Forest Science 40:513-527.pdf

56. Waring, R.H., J. Runyon, S.N. Goward, R. McCreight, B. Yoder, and M.G. Ryan. 1993. Developing remote sensing techniques to estimate photosynthesis and annual forest growth across a steep climatic gradient in western Oregon, U.S.A. Studia Forestalia Suecica 191:33-42. pdf.

55. Waring, R.H., T. Savage, K. Cromack, Jr., and C. Rose. 1992. Thinning and nitrogen fertilization in a grand fir stand infested with western spruce budworm. Part IV. An ecosystem management perspective. For. Sci. 38:275-286. pdf.

54. Ryan, M.G., and R.H. Waring. 1992. Maintenance respiration and stand development in a subalpine lodgepole pine forest. Ecology 73:2100-2108. pdf.

53. Entry, J.A., K. Cromack, Jr., E. Hansen, and R. Waring. 1991. Response of western coniferous seedlings to infection by Armillaria ostoyae under limited light and nitrogen. Phytopathology 81:89-94.pdf.

52. Pothier, D., H.A. Margolis, J. Poliquin, and R.H. Waring. 1989. Relation between the permeability and the anatomy of jack pine sapwood with stand development. Can. J. For. Res. 19:1564-1570.pdf.

51. Pothier, D., H.A. Margolis, and R.H. Waring. 1989. Patterns of change of saturated sapwood permeability and sapwood conductance with stand development. Can. J. For. Res. 19:432-439. pdf.

50. Christiansen, E., R.H. Waring, and A.A. Berryman. 1987. Resistance of conifers to bark beetle attack: Searching for general relationships. Forest Ecol. & Mgmt. 22:89-106. pdf

49. Waring, R.H. 1987. Characteristics of trees predisposed to die. BioScience 37:569-573. pdf.

48. Oren, R., R.H. Waring, S.G. Stafford, and J.W. Barrett. 1987. Analysis of 24 years of ponderosa pine growth in relation to canopy leaf area and understory competition. Forest Science 33:538-547.pdf.

47. Waring, R.H., K. Cromack, Jr., P.A. Matson, R.D. Boone, S.G. Stafford. 1987. Responses to pathogen-induced disturbance: Decomposition, nutrient availability, and tree vigor. Forestry 60:219-227. pdf.

46. Margolis, H.A. and R.H. Waring. 1986. Carbon and nitrogen allocation patterns of 2-0 Douglas-fir seedlings fertilized with nitrogen in autumn. I. Dormant season. Can. J. For. Res. 16:897-902. pdf.

45. Margolis, H.A. and R.H. Waring. 1986. Carbon and nitrogen allocation patterns of 2-0 Douglas-fir seedlings fertilized with nitrogen in autumn. II. Field performance. Can. J. For. Res. 16:903-909. pdf.

44. Chapin, F.S., III., A. Bloom, C. Field, and R.H. Waring. 1986. Interaction of limiting factors in the control of plant growth. BioScience 37:49-57.pdf. [1209 citations]

43. Waring, R.H., J. Aber, J.M. Melillo, and B. Moore, III. 1986. Precursors of change in terrestrial ecosystems. BioScience 36:433-438. pdf.

42a. Marshall, J.D., and R.H. Waring. 1986. Comparative methods of estimating leaf area in an old-growth Douglas-fir. Ecology 67:975-979.pdf.

42b. Waring, R.H. 1985. Imbalanced ecosystems: Assessments and consequences. Forest Ecol. & Mgmt. 12:93-112.pdf.

41. Waring, R.H. and G.B. Pitman. 1985. Modifying lodgepole pine stands to change susceptibility to mountain pine beetle attack. Ecology 66:889-897.pdf

40. Marshall, J.D. and R.H. Waring. 1985. Predicting fine root production and turnover by monitoring root starch and soil temperature. Can. J. For. Res. 15:791-800. pdf.

39. Waring, R.H. 1985. Imbalanced ecosystems: Assessments and consequences. Forest Ecol. & Mgmt. 12:93-112.pdf.

38. Waring, R.H., A.J.S. McDonald, S. Larsson, T. Ericsson, A. Wiren, E. Arwidsson, A. Ericsson, and T. Lohammar. 1985. Differences in chemical composition of plants grown at constant relative growth rates with stable mineral nutrition. Oecologia 66:157-160.pdf.

37. Oren, R., W.G. Thies, and R.H. Waring. 1985. Tree vigor and stand growth of Douglas-fir as influenced by laminated root rot. Can. J. For. Res. 15:985-988. pdf.

36. Marshall, J.D. and R.H. Waring. 1984. Conifer and broadleaf species: Stomatal sensitivity differs in western Oregon. Can. J. For. Res. 14:905-908.pdf.

35. Whitehead, D., P.G. Jarvis, and R.H. Waring. 1984. Stomatal conductance, transpiration, and resistance to water uptake in a Pinus sylvestris spacing experiment. Can. J. For. Res. 14:692-700. pdf.

34. Matson, P.A. and R.H. Waring. 1984. Effects of nutrient and light limitation on mountain hemlock: Susceptibility to laminated root rot. Ecology 65:1517-1524.pdf.

33. Waring, R.H. and G.B. Pitman. 1983. Physiological stress in lodgepole pine as a precursor for mountain pine beetle attack. Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie 96:265-270. pdf.

32. Larsson, S., R. Oren, R.H. Waring, and J.W. Barrett. 1983. Attacks of mountain pine beetle as related to tree vigor of ponderosa pine. Forest Sci. 29:395-402. pdf.

31. Mitchell, R.G., R.H. Waring, and G.B. Pitman. 1983. Thinning lodgepole pine increases tree vigor and resistance to mountain pine beetle. Forest Sci.29:204-211.pdf.

30. Waring, R.H., P.E. Schroeder, and R. Oren. 1982. Application of the pipe model theory to predict canopy leaf area. Can. J. For. Res. 12:556-560.pdf

29. Schroeder, P.E., B. McCandlish, R.H. Waring, and D.A. Perry. 1982. The relationship of maximum canopy leaf area to forest growth in eastern Washington. Northeast Sci. 56:121-130.pdf.

28. Sollins, P., K. Cromack, Jr., F.M. McCorison, R.H. Waring, and R.D. Harr. 1981. Changes in nitrogen cycling at an old-growth Douglas-fir site after experimental herbicide application. J. Env. Quality 10:37-42.pdf.

27. Waring, R.H., K. Newman, and J. Bell. 1981. Efficiency of tree crowns and stemwood production at different canopy leaf densities. Forestry 54:129-137.pdf.

26. Smith, R.B., R.H. Waring, and D.A. Perry. 1981. Interpreting foliar analyses from Douglas-fir as weight per unit of leaf area. Can. J. For. Res. 11:593-598.pdf.

25. Waring, R.H., D. Whitehead, and P.G. Jarvis. 1980. Comparison of an isotopic method and the Penman-Monteith equation for estimating transpiration from Scots pine. Can. J. For. Res. 10:555-558.pdf.

24. Waring, R.H., W.G. Thies, and D. Muscato. 1980. Stem growth per unit of leaf area: A measure of tree vigor. For. Sci. 26:112-117.pdf.

23. Waring, R.H., D.Whitehead, and P.G. Jarvis. 1979. The contribution of stored water to transpiration in Scots pine. Plant, Cell, and Environment 2:309-317.pdf.

22. Waring, R.H., and J.M. Roberts. 1979. Estimating water flux through stems of Scots pine with tritiated water and phosphorus-32. J. Exp. Bot. 30:459-471.pdf.

21. Waring, R.H. and J.F. Franklin. 1979. Evergreen coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest. Science 204:1380-1386.pdf

20. Waring, R.H. and S.W. Running. 1978. Sapwood water storage: Its contribution to transpiration and effect on water conductance through the stems of old-growth Douglas-fir. Plant, Cell, and Environment 1:131-140.pdf.

19. Waring, R.H., W.H. Emmingham, H.L. Gholz, and C.C. Grier. 1978. Variation in maximum leaf area of coniferous forests in Oregon. Can. J. For. Res. 7:165-174.pdf.

18. Emmingham, W.H. and R.H. Waring. 1977. An index of photosynthesis for comparing forest sites in western Oregon. Can. J. For. Res. 7:165-174.pdf.

17. Waring, R.H., H.L. Gholz, C.C. Grier, and M.L. Plummer. 1977. Evaluating stem conducting tissue as an estimator of leaf area in four woody angiosperms. Can. J. Bot. 55:1474-1477.pdf.

16. Waring, R.H. 1976. Reafforestation in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Environmental Conservation 3:269-272.

15. Gholz, H.L., F.K. Fitz, and R.H. Waring. 1976. Leaf area differences associated with old-growth forest communities in the western Oregon Cascades. Can. J. For. Res. 6:49-57.

14. Kline, J.R., K.L. Reed, R.H. Waring, and M.L. Stewart. 1976. Field measurement of transpiration in Douglas-fir. J. Appl. Ecology 13:273-283. pdf.

13. Waring, R.H., W.H. Emmingham, and S.W. Running. 1975. Environmental limits of an endemic spruce, Picea breweriana Wats. Can. J. Bot. 53:1599-1613.pdf.

12. Running, S.W., R.H. Waring, and R.A. Rydell. 1975. Physiological control of water flux in conifers: A computer simulation model. Oecologia 18:1-16.pdf.

11. Reed, K.L. and R.H. Waring. 1974. Coupling of environment to plant response: A simulation model of transpiration. Ecology 55:62-72.pdf.

10. Grier, C.C. and R.H. Waring. 1974. Conifer foliage mass related to sapwood area. Forest Sci. 20:205-206. pdf.

9. Emmingham, W.H. and R.H. Waring. 1973. Conifer growth under different light environments in the Siskiyou Mountains of southwestern Oregon. Northwest Sci. 47:88-89.

8. Waring, R.H. and C.T. Youngberg. 1972. Evaluating forest sites for potential growth response of trees to fertilizer. Northwest Sci. 46:67-75.pdf.

7. Waring, R.H. 1970. Die Messung des Wasserpotentials mit der Scholander-Methode und ihre Bedeutung für die Forstwissenschaft. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 89:195-200. pdf.

6. Atzet, R. and R.H. Waring. 1970. Selective filtering of light by coniferous forest and minimum light energy requirements for regeneration. Can. J.Bot. 48:2163-2167.pdf.

5. Waring, R.H. 1969. Forest plants of the eastern Siskiyous: Their environmental and vegetational distribution. Northwest Sci. 43:1-17. pdf.

4. Cleary, B.D. and R.H. Waring. 1969. Temperature collection of data and its analysis for the interpretation of plant growth and distribution. Can. J. Bot. 47:167-173.pdf.

3. Waring, R.H. and B.D. Cleary. 1967. Plant moisture stress: Evaluation by pressure bomb. Science 155:1248-1254. pdf.

2. Waring, R.H. and R.K. Hermann. 1966. A modified piche evaporimeter. Ecology 47:308-310. PDF

1. Waring, R.H. and J. Major. 1964. Some vegetation of the California coastal redwood region in relation to gradients of moisture, nutrients, light, and temperature. Ecological Monographs 34:167-215.pdf.

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Books and Major Review Articles (19)

19. Landsberg, Joe and RichardWaring. 2014. Forests in Our Changing World: New Principles for Conservation and Management. Island Press, N.J. PDF Blogs:

18. Landsberg, J.J. and R.H. Waring. 2004. Top-down models and flux measurements are complementary methods of estimating carbon sequestration by forest canopies: illustrations using the 3-PG model. p. 37-50. In: M. Mencuccini, J. Grace, J. Moncrieff, and K.G.McNaughton (eds.). Oxford University Press.

17. Waring, R.H. 2004. Tree Physiology:Stress. In: J. Burley, J. Evans, and J. Youngquist (eds.) pp. 1628-1632. Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. Elsevier Science Ltd., London.

16. Waring, R.H. 2002. Temperate coniferous forests. In: Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Vol. 2. H. Mooney and J. Canadell, (eds.). p. 560-565. The Earth System: Biological and Ecological Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. Vol. II. John Wiley and Sons, London.

15. Waring, R.H., and A. Ludlow. 2001. Ecophysiology of Forests. In: J. Evans (ed.). pp. 188-209. Handbook of Forestry, Vol. I. Blackwell Science, London.

14. Waring, R.H., and S.W. Running. 1999. Remote sensing requirements to drive ecosystem models at the landscape and regional scale. IN: J.D. Tenhunen and P. Kabat (eds.). p. 23-38. Integrating Hydrology, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Biogeochemistry in Complex Landscapes. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

13. Coops, N.C., R.H. Waring, and J.J. Landsberg. 1998. The development of a physiological model (3-PGS) to predict forest productivity using satellite data. IN: G.J Nabuurs, T. Nuutinen, H. Bartelink, and M. Korhonen (eds.). Forest Scenario Modelling for Ecosystem Management at Landscape Level. EFI Proceedings No. 19. pp. 173-191.

12. Waring, R.H., and S.W. Running. 1998. Forest Ecosystems: Analysis at Multiple Scales. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA. 370 p. with CD-ROM.

11. Waring, R.H., and E.-D. Schulze. 1995. Temperate forest systems. UNEP Global Biodiversity Assessment. Sec. 6.1.3. UNEP. Cambridge Univ. Press.

10. Waring, R.H., and W.E. Winner. 1995. Assessing the availability of resources and quantifying their constraints upon terrestrial primary productivity. IN: E. Fuentes and R. Lawford (eds.). p. 89-102. High latitude rainforests and river systems. Springer Verlag, New York.

9. Waring, R.H. and M.G. Ryan. 1995. Carbon balance modelling. p. 480-491. IN: Encyl. Energy Tech. & Environment. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY.

8. Waring, R.H. 1993. How ecophysiologists can help scale from leaves to landscapes. p. 159-166. IN: J.R. Ehleringer and C.B. Field (eds.). Scaling physiological processes: leaf to globe. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

7. Waring, R.H. 1991. Searching for specific measures of physiological stress in forest ecosystems. p. 222-238. IN: J. Cole, G. Lovett, and S. Findlay, eds. Comparative analysis of ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, New York.

6. Waring, R.H. 1991. Responses of evergreen trees to multiple stresses. p. 371-390. IN: H.A. Mooney, W.E. Winner, and E.J. Pell, Eds. Responses of plants to multiple stresses. Academic Press. San Diego, CA.

5. Waring, R.H. 1989. Ecosystems: fluxes of matter and energy. p. 17-41. IN: J.M. Cherrett, Ed. Ecological Concepts:The contribution of ecology to an understanding of the natural world. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

4. Waring, R.H. and W.H. Schlesinger. 1985. Forest ecosystems: Concepts and management. Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, FL. 338 p.

3. Waring, R.H. 1983. Estimating forest growth and efficiency in relation to canopy leaf area. Adv. Ecol. Res. 13:327-354.pdf.[493 citations]

2. Waring, R.H., J.R. Rogers, and W.T. Swank. 1980. Water relations and hydrologic cycles. p. 204-264. IN: D. Reiche (ed.), Dynamic properties of forest ecosystems. International Biological Programme No. 23. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, U.K.Waring and Rogers 1981.pdf

1. Waring, R.H., and S.W. Running. 1976. Water uptake, storage, and transpiration by conifers: A physiological model. p. 189-202. IN: O.L. Lange, E.-D. Schulze, and L. Kappen (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York.

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Symposium Volumes (37

37. Fan, Weihong and Richard Waring. 2009. Actual Evaporation (AET) and Tree species richness in the eastern U.S.A. U.S.D.A. Forest Service symposium, P.-56.


36. Waring, R.H. 2002. Nutrient sustainability. In:L. Bjork (ed.). Sustainable Forestry in Temperate Regions. Pp. 45-51. Proceedings of the SUFOR International Workshop, Lund Sweden. Dept. Chemical Eng. II, Lund University. Report 1:2002. pdf

35. Pilz,D., Molina, R., Danell, E., Waring, R., Rose, C., Alexander, S., Luoma, D., Cromack Jr., K., Lefevre, C. 2002. SilviShrooms: Predicting edible mushroom productivity using forest carbon allocation modelling and immunoassays of ectomycorrhizae. In: Hall, I.R.,Wang, Y.; Zambonelli, A.; Danell, E. (eds). Edible mycorrhizal mushrooms and their cultivation. Proceedings of the second international conference on edible mycorrhizal mushrooms. CD-ROM. New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research Limited, Christchurch.

34. Waring, R.H. 1993a. The Oregon Transect Ecosystem Research (OTTER) project. Pages 247-250. IN: R. Gagnon and Norm O'Neill, eds. 16th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. Canadian Remote Sensing Solciety, Ottawa, Ontario.

33. Waring, R.H. 1993b. Driving terrestrial ecosystem models from space. Pages 135-142. IN: Proceedings of the Third Spaceborne Imaging Radar Symposium. Jan. 18-21. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA.

32. Runyon, J., R.H. Waring, and R.W. McCreight. 1991. Assessing the impact of climate on forest production. p. 201-205. IN: T.S. Vinson and T.P. Kolchugina (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Carbon Cycling in Boreal Forest and Sub-arctic Ecosystems: Biospheric Responses and Feedbacks to Global Climate Change. Corvallis, OR. Sept. 9-12, 1991.

31. Waring, R.H. 1990. Scaling up ecology to meet global forestry issues. XIX World Congress, I.U.F.R.O. Montreal, Canada. B Report p. 267-278.

30. Waring, R.H. 1989).Ecosystems: fluxes of matter and energy. Ecological Concepts: The Contribution of Ecology to an Understanding of the Natural World (ed. J. M. Cherrett), pp. 17-41. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

29. Waring, R.H. 1989. Resource allocation in trees and ecosystems. p. 127-132 IN: Proceedings of a Workshop on Markers of Air-pollutant Exposure in Trees. National Research Council. National Academy Press.

28. Waring, R.H. and R. Oren. 1987. New analysis of branches, boles, and roots for predicting historical changes in photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon allocation below ground. p. 1-5. IN: G.C. Jacoby, Jr. and J.W. Hornbeck (eds.). Proc. of the International Symp. on Ecological Aspects of Tree-ring Analysis. National Tech. Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Springfield, VA.

27. Waring, R.H. 1987. Nitrate pollution: A particular danger to boreal and subalpine coniferous forests. p. 93-105. IN: T. Fujimori and M. Kimura (eds.). Human Impacts and Management of Mountain Forests. I.U.F.R.O. Proc., Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan.

26. Waring, R.H. 1987. Distinguishing pollution from climatic effects by analysis of stable isotope ratios in the cellulose of annual growth rings. p. 90-98. IN: S.H. Bicknell (ed.). Proceedings California Response Program Planning Conference. Calif. Air Resources Board and Western Conifer Research Cooperative.

25. Waring, R.H. 1986. The ecological foundation for forestry in the Northwest, limits and opportunities. p. 1-8. IN: Forests of the Northwest: A time for reflection. Starker Lecture Series. College of Forestry, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR.

24. Franklin, J.F. and R.H. Waring. 1986. Information on the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, western Oregon Cascade Range. p. 33-42. IN: M.I. Dyer and D.A. Crossley, Jr. (eds.), Coupling of ecological studies with remote sensings:Potential at four biosphere reserves in the United States. U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program, Dept. of State, Washington, D.C.

23. Waring, R.H. 1986. Characteristics of trees predisposed to die. p. 117-123. IN: T. Schneider (ed.), Acidification and its policy implications. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

22. Waring, R.H. 1985. Precursors of change in terrestrial ecosystems. p. 494-507. IN: Pecora 10. Remote Sensing in Forest and Range Resource Management, Proceedings. Amer. Soc. Photogram. and Remote Sensing, Fall Church, VA.

21. Waring, R.H., J. Berry, D. DeAngelis, T. Kirchner, R. Mulholland, and A.M. Solomon. 1985. Biological responses at the regional level. p. 43-50. IN: J.R. Kercher, H.A. Mooney, and G.R. Grow (eds.), Research agenda for ecological effects of nuclear winter. Lawrence Livermore National Lab., U.S. Dept. Commerce, Springfield, VA.

20. Waring, R.H., J. Berry, and A.M. Solomon. Biological responses at the regional level. Observational program. p. 131-140. Ibid.

19. Kirchner, T., R. Mulholland, D. DeAngelis, A.M. Solomon, and R.H. Waring. Biological responses at the regional level. Modeling regional responses. p. 141-148. Ibid.

18. Waring, R.H. (ed.). 1982. Carbon uptake and allocation in subalpine ecosystems as a key to management. I.U.F.R.O. Proceedings. Forest Research Lab., Corvallis, Oregon.

17. Waring, R.H. 1982. Coupling stress physiology with ecosystem analysis. p. 5-8. IN: R.H. Waring (ed.), Carbon uptake and allocation in subalpine ecosystems as a key to management. I.U.F.R.O. Proc., For. Res. Lab., Corvallis, Oregon.

16. Hinckley, T.M., R.O. Teskey, R.H. Waring, and Y. Morikawa. 1982. The water relations of true fir. p. 85-92. IN: C.D. Oliver and R.M. Kenady (eds.), Biology and management of true fir in the Pacific Northwest. Proc. of Symposium. Inst. of Forest Resources, Univ. of Wash., Seattle, WA. Contri. No. 45.

15. Waring, R.H., and G.B. Pitman. 1980. A simple model of host resistance to bark beetle. Res. Note 65. Forest Research Lab. Oregon State Univ.pdf.

14. Franklin, J.F. and R.H. Waring. 1980. Distinctive features of the Northwest coniferous forests: Development, structure, and function. p. 59-86. IN: R.H. Waring (ed.), Forests: fresh perspectives from ecosystem analyses. Proc. 40th Annual Biol. Colloq., Oregon State Univ. Press, Corvallis, OR.

13. Waring, R.H. 1980. Vital signs of forest ecosystems. p. 131-136. IN: R.H. Waring (ed.), Forests: Fresh perspectives from ecosystem analyses. Proc. 40th Annual Biol. Colloq., Oregon State Univ. Press, Corvallis, OR.

12. Waring, R.H. 1980. Opportunities and constraints on forest imposed by their nature as ecological systems. p. 30-48. IN: 1st Weyerhaeuser Co. Foundation Symposium-April 22-23, Conservation Foundation, Washington, D.C.

11. Waring, R.H. 1980. Site, leaf area, and phytomass production in trees. p. 125-135. IN: U. Benecke (ed.), Mountain environments and subalpine tree growth. I.U.F.R.O. Workshop, Nov. 19-30, 1979. For. Res. Inst., Christchurch, N.Z. N.Z. For. Service, For. Res. Inst. Tech. Paper No. 70.

10. Waring, R.H. 1980. Forests: Fresh perspectives from ecosystem analysis. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Biology Colloquium. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR. 198 p.

9. Grier, C.C., R.L. Edmonds, R.H. Waring, and D.W. Cole. 1979. Forest management implications of productivity, nutrient cycling, and water relations research in western conifers. p. 96-106. IN: North American Forests: Gateway to opportunity. Proc. 1978. Joint Convention of Society of American Foresters and Canadian Institute of Forestry.

8. Waring, R.H. and S.W. Running. 1976. Water uptake, storage, and transpiration by conifers: A physiological model. p. 189-202. IN: O.L. Lange, E.-D. Schulze, and L. Kappen (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York.

7. Franklin, J.R. and R.H. Waring. 1974. Predicting short and long-term changes in the function and structure of temperate forest ecosystems. p. 228-232. IN: Proc. of the First International Congress of Ecology, The Hague.

6. Waring, R.H. and R.L. Edmonds (eds.). 1974. Integrated research in the coniferous forest biome. Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Bull. 5, 96 p.

5. Waring, R.H. 1974. Structure and function of the Coniferous Forest Biome Organization. p. 1-6. IN: R.H. Waring and R.L. Edmonds (eds.), Univ. of Washington, Seattle. Symp. Proc. Bulletin 5.

4. Sollins, P., R.H. Waring, and D.W. Cole. 1974. A systematic framework for modeling and studying the physiology of a coniferous forest ecosystem. p. 7-20. IN: R.H. Waring and R.L. Edmonds (eds.), Univ. of Washington, Seattle. Symp. Proc. Bulletin 5.

3. Franklin, J.F., L.J. Dempster, and R.H. Waring (eds.). 1972. Research on Coniferous Forest Ecosystems: First Year Progress in the Coniferous Forest Biome, US/IBP.Proceedings on -a symposium at Bellingham, WA. March 23-24th. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific NW Forest and Range Expt. Sta. Portland, OR.

2. Waring, R.H., K.L. Reed, and W.H. Emmingham. 1972. An environmental grid for classifying coniferous ecosystems-a symposium. p. 79-91. IN: J.F. Franklin, L.J. Dempster, and R.H. Waring (eds.), U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Pacific NW Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, OR.

1. Waring, R.H. 1970. Matching species to site. p. 54-61. IN: R.K. Hermann (ed.), Forest Research Lab., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR.pdf